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Hair care for children

Hair care is among an important part of your child's daily care. It is important to use the right products for children's hair, because they often have a sensitive scalp and fine hair. On this page you will find an assortment of baby and child products, which are specifically focused on children's hair care.



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Shampoo for children: mild and caring

To cleanse your child' s scalp and hair, a good shampoo is essential. Shampoos specially designed for children are often mild and free of harsh ingredients. They gently cleanse the hair and the special "no tears" formula ensures that the shampoo will not sting your child's eyes.

Hair care curly hair child: extra attention to nutrition and hydration

Curly hair needs extra care, also for children. This hair type is often drier and needs more nutrition than straight hair. Does your child have curly hair? Then use special products for curly hair, such as a nourishing mask or a leave-in conditioner.

Anti-tangle spray: no tears when combing

You probably recognize it; tangles in the hair. These are not only annoying and painful, but sometimes also difficult to comb out. An anti-tangle spray is actually an indispensable product in your child's hair care routine. This spray makes hair easy to comb through and prevents pain when brushing. When you use an anti-tangle spray, you will find that your child's hair is less likely to get tangled and combing becomes a lot more pleasant.

Hair accessories kids: fun and practical extras

Besides the right hair care products, it is also useful to get hair accessories in the house. With these you can, among other things, create fun hairstyles in your child's hair. Think of cheerful hair elastic bands, hair ties and pins to keep the hair out of the face. Or a fine hairbrush to comb through the hair.

Good hair care for children starts with choosing the right products and accessories. At you will find everything you need to keep your child's hair healthy and beautiful. Take a look at our assortment and discover the best products for your child's hair care!


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